What kind of pet should you have?And how many?

Theres so many pets in the world. Have you ever wondered which one is perfect for you? Take this quiz. It will only take a few minutes. Once your done you'll know what pet is right for you!!

Are you ready to find out what pet is perfect for you? Or do you just wanna know how many?Take this quiz and You'll find out both in just a couple minutes of your life!!!

Created by: Mrs. Edward Cullen
  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. Whats your favorite color?
  3. Whats your hair color?(and yes it maters)
  4. Whats your eye color?
  5. Whats your favorite pet name?
  6. Whats your favorite girl name out of these?
  7. Whats your favorite boy name out of these?
  8. Whats your favorite color group out of these?
  9. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
  10. Finally.. Did you like this quiz?(no affect)

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Quiz topic: What kind of pet should I have?And how many?