What kind of person are you?

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Do you want to know what kind of person you are?Take this funny, kind of bizzare,quiz to find out! You will be rated on personality instead of inelect.

This quiz is about finding out who you are and enjoying being that person.So aswer honestly and get your friends to take it too.( : Remember this is a Steel brand quiz and should be taken as such.Enjoy!

Created by: Steel Payne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How are you with money?
  2. You have a lover, they want a gift, what do you do?
  3. You are in a fight, what do you take with you?
  4. Your walking down an alley and this guy tells you to give him your money,what do you do?
  5. What do you think of the guy who made this quiz?
  6. What do like in a man or woman?
  7. How do you see yourself in 10 or 15 years?
  8. How do youe friends see you?
  9. How is your love life?
  10. Do you go to parties?If so,what do you do?
  11. This might not make sense,What is your hat size?
  12. Ok this the last,and most important question.............................................Will you check out any other quiz by me?
  13. Okay,seriously though,this is the last one.ready?okay.are you sure?alright...If your faced with a choice,live and your friend dies,or die and your friend lives what do you pick?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?