What kind of metalhead are you?

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What kind of metalhead are you? Answer the questions and you will get your results, leave a comment and tell me if I'm accurate. Don't know what else to say.

Are you a metalhead? What kind are you? These are questions that WILL be answered by playing this quiz. I have 50 characters to fill, so yeah have fun!

Created by: Ryan R
  1. Which band appeals to you the most?
  2. Which band do you prefer? (Continued)
  3. Which female fronted band is the best?
  4. Who is the greatest Metal guitarist of all time?
  5. Best metal drummer?
  6. Bassist?
  7. Who has the best voice?
  8. How do you feel about growling?
  9. What do you like in a metal song?
  10. What is your favorite subgenre?
  11. Who wrote the song "Am I Evil?"
  12. Which band appeals to you the most?

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Quiz topic: What kind of metalhead am I?