What kind of Howrse Player R U?

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I made this quiz for howrse players to realize their inter self if they are a true howrse player or they are just there to act cool. I'm helping people realize who they are.

Are YOU a good Howrse player? Are you strong enough to take this quiz? Are you ready to identify your true self? But thanks to this quiz, you will soon find your treasure. (Maybe!)

Created by: wylee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite thing?
  2. Is wylee awesome?
  3. What is the #1 breed?
  4. Your horse starts to bolt! What do u do?
  5. You see two contests in the paper. 10,000 horses grand prize! 10,000 dollars grand prize. What do you choose!
  6. You see three ads in the paper! Trainer needed! Banker needed! Ranch hand needed! What do u choose?
  7. Enter a question:Hi
  8. Are you a horse?
  9. You see three horse for sale what do u pick. -Trick the friesian is a sweetheart gelding that just got out of training! -Shoshone is a quarter horse filly that was found in a dessert abandoned and she needs a new home. -$20 round-up mustangs
  10. Are you a true horse player?

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