What kind of Howrse are you?

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Did you like my quiz? I hope you did because it describes all about some divines and specials on howrse. Are you gonna be the next new divine? Bye dudes.

Please post this on your page if you think we should have more divines on howrse and make it a little easyer. Have a nice day!!! Go on howrse all the time!

Created by: Rosalena AKA rosakeg12345 of Howrse.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you lazy?
  2. Do you do your chorse?
  3. Do you have a pet now?
  4. Do you like:foot ball or volley ball?
  5. How often do you like to eat
  6. How much do you love to fly on a plane.
  7. Do you like howrse?
  8. Do you have a brother or sister.
  9. I hate this quiz
  10. How many horses do you have?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Howrse am I?