what kind of fighter are you?

this is a funny weird quiz about fighting styles. i don't care if you dont like the outcome, do it over. there are 3 types in this quiz. martial arts, boxing and wrestiling.

do you want to know which is best for you, take this quiz and find out. so just start already and dont go crying about the outcome. man up ango do a sport.

Created by: thomas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hello
  2. are you strong?
  3. do like to block or dodge attacks?
  4. ok, new situation. hm... OK! your being attack in your own house by robbers. what do you do?
  5. just to fill in the 12 question minimum. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR!!! ^^
  6. so your gonna enter a fighting contest. what kind would it be?
  7. are you very thing, healthy big or just fat?
  8. 54873538763+3873847364376
  9. what anime do you like best?
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What kind of fighter am I?