What kind of dog should you get?

Hey guys!! This is a quiz to see what kind of dog you are or you should get!! Take this quiz to find out! You could be a schnauzer, lab, Doberman, German shephard, and another one I can't remember :P

So what kind of dog are you? Thx for takin this quiz!! I'm gonna make somore so be sure to check those out. I'm gonna advertise a website real quik. Go to horseland.com and make a free account!! If you want to anyway. You won't regret it!! I promise! My name on there is amber wolf. Visit us!!

Created by: Amber of Horseland
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fave color out of these?
  2. Would you make yor dog wear a sweater
  3. Would you wrestle with your dog?
  4. Would you bathe your dog?
  5. Would you let ur dog sleep on yor bed with you?
  6. Did you like this quiz?
  7. Would you say "come here baby" to your dog if it was either hurt or tiny?
  8. Would you sing to yor dog?
  9. Are you happy you took this quiz?
  10. What kind of dog do u think ull get?

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Quiz topic: What kind of dog should I get?