What kind of bender are you?

Have you ever watched "Avatar the Last Airbender"? You can be a bender, but first, Which bender are you most like? You can find out here and be the bender you have always dreamed of being.

This is a short and fun quiz that the answers might not be what you think. After taking this quiz, you can find out what kind of bender you might have been if you where a character on the show.

Created by: Phillip
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could travel in any manner, would you...
  2. If you could do anything for a day would you...
  3. You would rather...
  4. I would love to be a(n)
  5. I would hate being a(n)
  6. If i got into a fight with someone, I would...
  7. I enjoy...
  8. Do you...
  9. Are you...
  10. Are you...

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Quiz topic: What kind of bender am I?