what kind of animal are you?

Alot of people try to image themselves as an animal, they try to put together all there characteristics to find what they are! But only few people really figure it out!:)

What animal are you? What kind of things do you do that would remind some one of that one special animal that you would be if you were an animal? The only way to know is to take this quiz!!!

Created by: justice
  1. at dinner you...
  2. your sleeping in your bed in the middle of the night when a noise from the closet wakes you up you...
  3. are you scared of heights
  4. your dream vacation is....
  5. your bff would say your.....
  6. you usually get in trouble for....
  7. your favorite thing to do is....
  8. your grades....
  9. this has nothing to do with the answer so just pick your favorite! my favorite pet is a....
  10. if you are sent to your room to think about what you have done you... (be honest)
  11. what do you think about this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of animal am I?