What Kind of a Shopper Are you?

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All of us want to save money when we shop, but for most of us, it's easier said than done. The key may be to find out which kind of shopper you are and identify savings strategies that work with your shopping habits.

Don't try to pick the right answer -- being honest with yourself is the first step to pinpointing a problem. And if you're not quite the model of perfection, don't fret. At the end of the quiz, Shopaholic hopes to bring yourself closer to the ideal.

Created by: marj
  1. How many times a month do you go shopping?
  2. When you walk into a store, you:
  3. You spot an awesome looking dress at the mall. The only problem is: it costs Php1000, and you only have Php500! What do you do?
  4. When do you buy new clothes?
  5. What's the first thing you do with your birthday money?
  6. When you are on vacation you:
  7. When you see the sign: " Buy one, get one free", do you always have to get something?
  8. If you buy a pair of jeans then find out that they don't fit, you:
  9. When you go grocery shopping:
  10. It's the first day of holiday sale, you:

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Quiz topic: What Kind of a Shopper am I?