What item of your OC's ex is your OC most likely to destroy?

Is your OC going through a break-up? Have they already gone through the break up, but are currently having a hard time getting over it? Do they want to say goodbye to a relationship by disposing of one or more souvenir(s) of the relationship? Take this quiz to find out the souvenir they would most likely destroy.

This quiz assumes your OC(s) are perfectly willing to destroy past mementos of a certain relationship for any reason. It also assumes your OC(s) would only destroy stuff they shared with their now-ex to the point their now-ex would likely not want such things after the end of the relationship. If they want such things, whether or not your OC(s) would destroy them depends on how bold they are. This quiz doesn't only cover one specific reason a relationship ended. It's vauge so it can fit any reason.

Created by: Madison
  1. When was your OC born?
  2. Which celebrity does your OC relate to the most?
  3. How mean is your OC?
  4. How destructive is your OC?
  5. Does your OC dislike new technology?
  6. Which genre do your OC's stories fit in with the best?
  7. What decade does the stories featuring your OC start in, excluding prologues?
  8. What does your OC's ex share with your OC the most?
  9. What is something your OC wouldn't mind destroying?
  10. In which way would your OC prefer to destroy stuff the most?
  11. How does your OC deal with stress?
  12. What does your OC understand the most?
  13. Does your OC like the sensation of ripping paper?
  14. Which of these general habits does your OC have?
  15. Which decade of popular vehicles or general technology does your OC enjoy more?
  16. Which decade of entertainment media formatting does your OC enjoy more?
  17. Which of these decades does your OC wish they lived in the most?
  18. Which of these decades is your OC tired of hearing about the most?

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Quiz topic: What item of my OC's ex is my OC most likely to destroy?
