What is your warrior cat name | Comments

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  • Ferntail,seems like a brave and loyal clan member like I would be. I also would like to have a mate and kits. Sad that they lost there brother but at least they had a good long relationship with each other. Pawsome quiz mate.

    Ferntail 84%

    You are Ferntail, a she-cat from ThunderClan. You are a silver tabby with blue eyes. As a kit, you spent most of your time playing with you brother Ashkit. You had many fun, if a little boring, moons before you and your brother became apprentices. A few moons after being apprenticed, you were in the forest with Ashpaw. You were practicing hunting when a group of routes jumped out of the trees. You fought bravely and chased the rouges away, but Ashpaw was injured. You brought him to Leafheart, the medicine cat, and she told you that his leg was to badly injured for him to continue to be an apprentice warrior. Ashpaw became Leafhearts apprentice, but you still felt bad. A few moons later their was a battle between your clan and ShadowClan. You fought well, vowing not to let anyone get hurt like Ashpaw had. After the battle your leader gave you your warrior name: Ferntail. You were proud, but also sad that Ashpaw couldnt be with you. You had three kits with Adderfur, your mate.


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