what is your type of orginized?

"are you orginized." many people are, many people are not. are you ready to figure out?lets see if you are!!!!! good luck. you could end up you might need to fix a few things or could just keep on living your awsome life!!!

what are you wating for. figure out if you are orginized today!!! in just a few moments you could figure out if your life is a total wreck or a complete sucsess!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

Created by: Maddie
  1. how do you keep your stuff?
  2. what kind of boxes do you want your stuff in?
  3. what time do you like to work?
  4. what kind of chair do you enjoy sitting in?
  5. how big do you like your drawers?
  6. how big do you like your work space?
  7. where do you like to work?
  8. what colors do you like suronding you?
  9. what kind of light do you like?
  10. who do you like your papers put together?

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Quiz topic: What is my type of orginized?