What is your type of guy?

Hope you will enjoy taking this quiz and find out what kind of type you might end up with!ieouoj ojwjekrjoj joejkrjoi joijoifjeijoi j joiueoij ojofjljeoi jeuoirjio uwe ojioejrolij oifioewjilo oifioejo joiwj oieoj oiejroi oifjoiej oijoe joie

Have fun! pem pok4654489 4645e45 keoi jlkjeoi joijej iouja5j46oe5h4roi1 kl32ooej oiuoiej j euorj hsdafhiewhk54 h456iuh564 45ui456ye h64564545 456 546 456 4 213h1ekh3 rkhew5i456h 465h4j64e6h54 6kjsdh46iureh

Created by: Cyrill and Ellen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you know what how many sections are in one square acre?
  2. What is your type of music?
  3. Where do you usually shop?
  4. What is your favorite color
  5. Dream spot?
  6. When did you lose your virginity?
  7. How long have you and your sweetheart been together?
  8. How long do you talk to your peeps on the phone?
  9. Do you get into alot of fights with your gf/bf?
  10. would you ever cheat?

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Quiz topic: What is my type of guy?