What is your skin type?

This quiz is aimed to help determine which skin type you have if you are unsure. It will help determine whether you have oily, dry, combination or normal skin.

Many people have many different skin characteristics and there can be many different type of skin conditions so please bare in mind this is a general guide to help determine which of the above four categories your skin fits in with the most.

Created by: skincare101
  1. How does your skin look at midday?
  2. How often does your skin break out in spots?
  3. Does your skin ever feel taught or look flakey?
  4. Do you have enlarged pores?
  5. After applying a moisturiser how does your skin feel?
  6. How does makeup settle on your skin?
  7. If you cleanse your skin with a cream cleanser how does it feel?
  8. If you cleanse your skin with a face wash how does it feel?
  9. Do you feel the need to apply moisturiser after cleansing your skin?
  10. Does your skin sensitive?

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Quiz topic: What is my skin type?