What is your personality score?

Your personality reflects a lot about you whether you're soft, or savage or quiet. But have you ever just sit and think about how nice you really are; how others viewed you?

Well you can now experience how it feels to be called a good person from a professional who knows good since he was born. You can now find out your personality score in mere seconds!

Created by: Joel A. Moses
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favorite type of movie?
  2. Rate how fast you get angry
  3. How do you see yourself?
  4. How do others see you?
  5. Do you use profanities?
  6. What makes up the group you hang with?
  7. A person that you don't like needs help in your favorite subject you?
  8. Your crush rejects you, what do you do?
  9. Approximately how much enemies do you have?
  10. Rate this quiz (this doesn't add to your final score)

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Quiz topic: What is my personality score?