What is your perfect pet?

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Some animals are made for people in a minute.Nothing to say.Have fun.Bye........................................................Are you ready?????????????????

I am so bored!!!!!!!!I am not cool am I find out in a minute or leave.I am f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@n.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....!!!!!!!

Created by: cats
  1. Is your house big?
  2. Are you known as a hyper girl/boy?
  3. Would/Do you spend time with your pet?
  4. Your favourite thing in a guy/girl is?
  5. What magical creature would you like to be?
  6. Whats your favourite season?
  7. What is your hobby?
  8. Whats your opinion on make-up
  9. So what do you think of soccer/rugby/football/other sports that get you in dirt?
  10. No effect,Joke!Whats your nickname

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Quiz topic: What is my perfect pet?