what is your nickname?

There are many nicknames but whats yours find out with this quiz it may not be the best but wat ever it is really awesome and so are the results mkay bye

Thank you so much for taking the quiz if you will get a awesomness nickname i just know it i also have warriors quizes and my other user is banana27908

Created by: jayfeather101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fav. Color
  2. Wha nickname do you want
  3. How would you dress
  4. How board are you!!!
  5. Are you???!
  6. How tall are you
  7. What color is your hair???!
  8. Idk what other questions to put!!!
  9. Are you a chick or dude
  10. Last one

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Quiz topic: What is my nickname?