what is your element

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all people have an element. some people don't know what there element is yet. sometimes your element will bring you power over the element. it is very special if you get a power over your element.

when you take this quiz you will see what your element is. it could be fire, water, air, or earth. i am water. a lot of people don't know what there element is. answer the questions below to find out what your element is.

Created by: Ashley Long
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like the beach?
  2. do you get good grades?
  3. do you have a crush on someone or have a mate?
  4. is there a lot of empty space in your house?
  5. what is your mood most of the time?
  6. what is your favorite direction?
  7. are you successful in things you try?
  8. are you rich or poor?
  9. were do you live?
  10. were you honest about the questions on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my element You can find more quizzes like this one in our Elemental Quiz category.