What is your aura scent

No I LOVE Nicholas Flammel and have wondered just what is my sent? Lemon honey or even vanilla. So I will Tell you mine is a tree. What is yours? Tell me.

Do you WHANT to know? ARE YOU what you think you are. Maybe this test will help you know your favorite smell!!!!!!! Do You have what it takes?

Created by: Kelly Joans
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could do anything what would you do?
  2. Do you like nature and life?
  3. Do you like to fight?
  4. How are you?
  5. Do you like lemon or wood?
  6. Do you like disgusting smells?
  7. Do you like baking?
  8. Do you like bugs
  9. What color?
  10. Big or small?

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Quiz topic: What is my aura scent