What is your animal?

There are many animals in the world, and many are smart. One wrote this quiz, a human did. Follow on in this and find, what animal you are inside. Because only those who have the brains will know who they truly are.

Can you swim? Walk? Both? Eat plants? meat? both? So many questions, ready for you to answer, to find out what animal you are. P.S. I was 8 when I made this. JUST SAYING

Created by: Candycorn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite food out of these
  2. Favorite hobby
  3. What is your best game to play?
  4. Why do you like animals
  5. Do you like your family
  6. Whats your favourite animal out of these
  7. Do you like sweets or veg
  8. What is your favourite sport
  9. What would your favourite name be?
  10. What is your favourite park

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Quiz topic: What is my animal?