what is the right job for you

Jobs are important. They give people pay. Some people don't like their job or don't have one. But there still are perfect jobs. They're made for people to like.

What is YOUR perfect job? In this quiz you will see what is your perfect job. It could be anything that is a result. You probely are now wondering. Well now get started!

Created by: anniefan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What after school class do you think you would do.
  2. Do you have a voice in this world
  3. What would you rather wear
  4. Do you like being busy
  5. Have you ever taken dance
  6. I need your real age here
  7. just saying, your age doesn't really count. It just is the possibilty of what you are now. Have you ever worn a uniform
  8. in your words and others are you smart
  9. how did you like this quiz
  10. quiz. How many people did the plauge kill(people who know what it is, it's medical)

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