What is the animal most like you?

This is a fun quiz to take, but the answers might not be accurate. Some questions are just kind of weird, but hope you have fun taking the quiz!

:) This is a fun quiz to take, but the answers might not be accurate. Some questions are just kind of weird, but hope you have fun taking the quiz!

Created by: ahorseowner

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like swimming?
  2. Do you like running?
  3. Can you climb well?
  4. Do you like hights?
  5. What animal do you really like most?
  6. HI!!!
  7. What question did you like best?
  8. Are you going to make a quiz too?
  9. Do you have exellent night vision?
  10. This quiz is done. Did you like it?

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