What is my initial opinion of you?

I have found that MySpace has now become a breeding ground for the single man to attmept to find women. It has become a cyber "meat market". Thus I have created this quiz for pre-screening.

This quiz will determine what my initial opinion of you will be based on your MySpace habits, and a few other factors. Taking this quiz may spare you the emabrasement of my friends and I laughing at your expense. Enjoy!

Created by: Alie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your relationship status on MySpace?
  2. How does your MySpace relationship status read?
  3. How many MySpace friends do you have?
  4. What percentage of these friends are of the opposite sex?
  5. Of all of your myspace friends, how many do you know in "the real world"?
  6. Do you have a half naked photo of yourself on your pics?
  7. This question only applies to people over the age of 23. Do you have any pictures of yourself from high school on MySpace?
  8. How often do you drink
  9. Why did you sign up for MySpace?
  10. Complete the following sentence with spelling and gramatical correctness: ________ going to the store with us to buy __________ of things. _______ a great time to shop.

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