What God is your parent?

This quizis for all the half bloods out there who havent been found by satyrs and are suspicios who their parent is. Think your alone well take it from a daughter of Zeus that its a pretty friend filled life! Lots of people know what your going through.

You think your a half blood. Take this quiz and youll figure out who your parent is in no time. If you dont take this quiz then you might spend your life in regret or the minotaur might come and kill you...

Created by: Kelly
  1. What do you anjoy doing in your free time? part1
  2. What do you like to do in your free time part 2
  3. whats your favorite color
  4. whats your favorite animal part one
  5. whats you favorite animal part two
  6. Do you even think you are a Half blood?
  7. did you like the quiz?
  8. did you like the quiz?
  9. almost done! just one more question! :D
  10. What would your weapon be?

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Quiz topic: What God is my parent?