what god are you

are you a god maybe Hecate hades Apollo mr d or even the one I will not speak his name but I think you might know what I am talking about maybe but try this quiz

if you read the first paragraph you know what this quiz about so I will now type some random leeters oh maybe not I already have enough so good bye bye

Created by: kyle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your best friend dies
  2. what is your favorite animal
  3. what is your favorite color
  4. whats your favorite hobby
  5. what is your favorite way of tranportation
  6. who is your favorite god
  7. how many main gods are there
  8. you get hit by a bully what do you do?
  9. this question doesn't matter
  10. this question doesn't matter either

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Quiz topic: What god am I