what gecko areyou

hi people who are taking this quiz. you may think the title is a bit boring but actually this quiz is quite good if i can say so myself. good luck on finding what gecko you are

are you a striking green gecko or an amazingly good climber. well you can find out your gecko skills by just taking this simple quiz it should take no linger than 2 mins

Created by: annie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favourite colour?
  2. what is your favourite thing to do
  3. who is your favourite harry potter character?
  4. when id your bithday?
  5. what is your favourite game?
  6. when is your favourite time of day?
  7. what is your favourite lesson?
  8. what is your favourite flower
  9. what is your favourite name?
  10. what is your favourite celebration choc?

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