What fruit are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What fruit are you?

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  • Your a banana

    Your a banana you like to be wierd and somethimes freaky. You hate all that girly stuff and you like to get all beat up and like to go to wrestling meets.

    a banana. . . thats nice. my friend is allergic to bananas. my little brother is allergic to some thing they put in banana chips.

  • Plus, som of these q's r jank! I mean, ik wat balckmailing is, but that dosn't mean i DO it! The only option I culd hav piked was "yeah, seeat dude" but theres no "Yes but i dont do it" or "yes" choice. im sory if any of this hurts ur feelings or anythin, but this quiz isnt that great. (im serius, i hope u dont find this offensiv)

  • WHAT?! A lime? I am NOT that mean! Wtf?! I always wanted to have friends and have had friends all my life! This is totes wrong!! I'm not a bully either! I mean, I can be harsh somtimes, but I'm not that horrible! Everyone's a litle harsh fromvtime to time. WTF?!

  • wow, i got apple while eating an apple. thats ironic


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