What Flavor Of Slushie Are You?

many people think they like fruits! many poeple like slushies! but only this quiz and tell you if you like fruits and slushies together and what flavor you are!

do you think you are a slushie lover? do you think you go gaga for fruits? until now you have never known!taking this quiz will not only tell you if your fruity but what flavor of slushie you are!

Created by: Alaina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at the beach and it's hot. You go to a food stand and order. . .
  2. When your packing for a camp-out at your friends camp site, you bring. . .
  3. You sit on the couch while watching a horror movie. you suddenly hear a knock on the door. you. . .
  4. The hottest guy at school asks you out. you. . .
  5. Your making a sundae. you add on top. . .
  6. You have 200 dollars in school shopping money. you go to the coolest store in the mall that everyone goes to and decide you want to look amazing. you pick out. . .
  7. Your on a date. you wear. . .
  8. Going to the pool ins't your thing until you hear there's a hot life guard. what do you wear. . .
  9. Your at a friends house. they offer you some soda pop. what do you choose. . .
  10. Your favorite kind of sherbert is. . .

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Quiz topic: What Flavor Of Slushie am I?