What Fantasy Creature Are You

This quiz is espically made for kids of all ages... parents too. We love you. We love you we love you welove you more than you can imagine We love you fool YOu are a fool You are a fool You are soooo gullibale

Do you like Fantasy? Find out what fantasy creature you are today! Once in a lifetime chance. Yeah right your thinking well we love you we love you welove you so much im fired now im hired!Qeastion

Created by: Kylie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your favorite chips to eat?
  2. What are you doing right now
  3. How stupid are you?
  4. What is your name?
  5. How Emo are you?
  6. Hi.
  7. Do you have mental issues?
  9. Have you ever experienced Death?
  10. Have you ever experienced Death?

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Quiz topic: What Fantasy Creature am I