What Famous HL Racer are you most like?

So, Horseland is an amazing website! I would totally recommend it to anyone that wants a good horse game to play, and meet new people. Racing is my personal favorite way to do that! :D

Have you ever wondered if you have the potential to be like some of some of the Race team captains that play Horseland? Well, find out here! It fast and fun!

Created by: Equos
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you consider yourself 'fast'
  2. Are you popular in the racing world?
  3. Do you have your own Racing team?
  4. How many people are on your team? (if you don't have one, just answer 0)
  5. How many races has your team won?
  6. Do you make graphics?
  7. How many friends do you have?
  8. Do u like this quiz?
  9. its almost over!!!
  10. do dee doo dee doo dee...
  11. ok, bai

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Quiz topic: What Famous HL Racer am I most like?