What faction are your?

What is your faction? Well young grasshopper... You will have to take the test to find out. I can't just say you look like you belong to a serration faction.

Are you candor? Are you amity? Are you erudite? Are you abnegation? Are you dauntless? Or... Are you divergent? I personally can't tell but I may have my guesses.

Created by: Sam
  1. You are given three a choice, which item would you choose?
  2. What faction do you think you are
  3. If you had to choose to where one color for the rest of your life what would you choose?
  4. What's your favorite food
  5. How old are you
  6. Do you think your divergent?
  7. How often do you shower or take a bath?
  8. Is this quiz confusing?
  9. Who's your best faction friend
  10. What does your first name start with?

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Quiz topic: What faction am Ir?