What Emotion Are You?

Hey people! I love you all for taking this quiz! Peace out guys! I am so happy!!! Thanks, pip pip, cheirio, and all that stuff! Bye guys and peoplez! HORRAY.

OK? Now what? I'm just going to keep saying words: come say definion bla bla bla stuff words mean nothning bee cat accorns mickey shea I'm bord bla bla bla !

Created by: mickey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your fav color is...
  2. Do you stink?
  3. Your fav sport is.
  4. Your fav thing to do is...
  5. Are you bord with this quiz?
  6. Your fav animal is...
  7. Wats something personal to you?
  8. Do you like...
  9. Your fav place to go is...
  10. Your fav movie is.

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Quiz topic: What Emotion am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Emotion Quiz category.