what element are you

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you are good and elemental. you can use your element as you would like, but hopefuly your friends can join you as you journey through powerhood. you will probably enjoy your powers heaps.

use your powers to your strenghths, not your weaknesses. you can do whatever you want with your powers, and you must be very proud of yourself. well done and enjoy youslf!

Created by: samantha
  1. what is your faviroute colour?
  2. what do you spend your time doing?
  3. what do your friends describe you as?
  4. what weather do you prefer.
  5. what weather scares you?
  6. what texture do you prefer?
  7. what natural disaster scares you most?
  8. what number is your faviroute
  9. what is your faviroute technolagy?
  10. what is your faviroute special event

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Quiz topic: What element am I