What Element are You?

Shining brilliantly in the clear blue sky above America's east coast, the sun promised a good travel day. People boarding planes in New York and Washington, D.C. would encounter few, if any, air-traffic delays on this Tuesday morning. The summer of 2001 was nearing its end as thousands of lower Manhattan office workers followed their usual morning routine. Many worked in the skyline-defining twin towers of the World Trade Center. In Washington, meanwhile, employees of the Department of Defense were at their desks in a newly reinforced section of the Pentagon.

While the people of San Francisco slept, the ground below them was moving. At first, during the early hours of April 18, 1906, no one knew that something was awry. But then the rolling motions came, causing streets to rise, and fall, and rise again. It seemed, to one observer, as though the earth itself was breathing. What happened next devastated one of America's most popular cities and traumatized her citizens.

Created by: Zachary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you rather be right now?
  2. Have you ever sucked a dick?
  3. Do you...have a...boy/girlfriend?
  4. Do you like candy,Candy,CAndy,CANdy,CANDy,CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  5. This might not matter but do you have a face?
  6. Which do you like more?
  7. You watch...
  8. What are books to you?
  9. Du u txt a lot?
  10. Is your wall covered in handprints?

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Quiz topic: What Element am I?