What Dragon Prince character are you?

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Wanna know what character from the dragon prince you are? Well you are in the right place! Do this test and find out who you are! (only humanoid characters)

Be careful with your answers as each of the questions determines your outcome. Choose wisely and find your character, maybe you will learn something? Good luck!

Created by: RedstonePirate
  1. Whats the primal source you feel connected with?
  2. What animal would you most likely be friends with?
  3. When fighting what would be your tactic?
  4. Whats you favourite season?
  5. How would you most likely react to an attack?
  6. What are your friendships like?
  7. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
  8. What is your favourite food or beverage?
  9. How do your friends see you?
  10. How do you like to have your hair?
  11. Whats your weapon of choice?
  12. If you would have to choose a music style, what would it be?
  13. Whats your favourite colour?
  14. What do you like to do in your free time?
  15. What describes your style of clothing best?

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Quiz topic: What Dragon Prince character am I?
