What Dragon Are You?

This quiz will determine what fearsome dragon you really are, your warrior spirit deep inside you, waiting to be unleashed. Discovering your true self is a big responsibility.

Your dragon-self, your dragon-soul might help you in future or seeing who you are in other quizzes like this one. Just tell yourself that this will be the moment of your life.

Created by: Leo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favourite animal?
  3. What is your favourite hobby?
  4. What is your favourite country?
  5. How long can you stay quiet for?
  6. What would you like to live in?
  7. What is your favorite food?
  8. What is your favorite TV channel?
  9. What is your favorite band or singer?
  10. What is your birthstone (by month)?

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Quiz topic: What Dragon am I?