What dog should YOU get?

There are many dogs but this quiz gives you the RIGHT one. So take it and you will know what i mean. I know it! Plus it will give you a good idea if you want to buy one..

Are YOU wanting a true dog? Well take this quiz and you'l find out which one is right for you. In a few minutes you'll realize you will have your very ture friend!

Created by: Kaylee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Will this be your first time owning a dog?
  2. How much will you spend time with it?
  3. Do you have children?
  4. Do you work?
  5. How many hours will you groom it a day?
  6. What flavor candy do you like?
  7. Do you like to jog?
  8. Do you have other pets?
  9. Will you train it alot?
  10. Whats your fav smell?
  11. Do you work late?

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Quiz topic: What dog should I get?