What does your fart smell like?

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Wow, there are so many typs of farts! I can't count them all!! Farts smell different than others, depending on the person's diet and personality. There are many smells and.. yeah.

What does your fart smell like? Now, don't go sniffing yor butt. Its all in what you eat. If you eat lots of beans, it wil smell greasy and ect. If you wanna prediction on what your toot is like.. You have come to the righ place.

Created by: KleineDragon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you eat
  2. What do you drink
  3. Do u like farting? "Does not effect results"
  4. Do you eat beans... Or like spinach?
  5. Is there a possibility that you want to fart on someone?
  6. What is your favorite
  7. What do you think your fart smells like?
  8. Will you rate dis quiz?
  9. will you try to light your fart on fire?
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What does my fart smell like?