what does the dark forest think of you(she cats only)

the title says it alll peeps !thanks for playing! appreicate it a lot! get ready to meet the cats! *slips into dark foest mode* get ready to dieeeeeee

you are a shecat, bold, brave, and cool, you are a shadowclan apprentice. toms sorry! ill make another for toms only with custom ocs. icestar, out >:)

Created by: icestar
  1. fav colour?
  2. me: first up, Tigerstar!tigerstar: who would you like to get revenge on?me: seriously???
  3. me: next, hawky!hawky: dont call me that!me: fineee hawky just ask a question!hawkfrost: what would you do to become leader?
  4. me: next, mapley! mapley: DONT CALL ME THAT YOU FLEA BRAINme: fine just ask them somethingmapleshade:...........me: today would be nice. mapleshade: what would you do for love?me: wow very original
  5. me: next, brokenstar!brokenstar: what do you value most?
  6. me: next, thistleclaw thistleclaw: pick one to fight to the death: shadestar- big & burly, strong, mistyshrew- small, clever, tactical or featherdusk- med, shy, blind, bad with claws
  7. me: next, darkstripe!darkstripe: how do you feel about half clan cats?
  8. me: last question! your fave dark forest cat? im icestar, btw. everyone else: pick me!
  9. will you comment?
  10. how was it?

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