What do you look like as a wolf?

This quiz will tell you what your wolf look like and what its personality is. If you do not like it, I am very sorry. if you do, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Do YOU like wolves? Well, this quiz will tell you what your wolf look like and its personality. Have a ton of fun my friends! (I really hope you like it!)

Created by: Destiny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Would you kill a pack member for fun or if he was just too weak?
  3. You wake up one morning with blood on your muzzle and paws. What do you do?
  4. Are you getting bored with my stupid quiz?
  5. Rank of wolf if you could choose?
  6. Do you like icecream? What's your favorite flavor?
  7. What are you feeling right now?
  8. 3 MORE QUESTIONS! First name first letter?
  9. Do you have a best friend?
  10. Do you lie? Are you lying right now?

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Quiz topic: What do I look like as a wolf?