What do you know about Epilepsy?

Many people have considered being a doctor, or a nurse, or a veterinarian. But what about being a neurologist? It's the same thing as being a doctor, although it's a brain doctor. Find out if you'd qualify by answering questions on epilepsy!

Are you a neurologist? If so, you'll do great! But if you aren't, do you know anything about epilepsy? Find out just how much you know in this quiz by an epileptic.

Created by: Emily
  1. What is epilepsy?
  2. What are symptoms of epilepsy?
  3. What is the most well known type of seizure?
  4. What are possible symptoms of the most well known seizure?
  5. In the brain, what does epilepsy affect?
  6. What should you do if one has a seizure?
  7. What is the most severe type of epilepsy?
  8. What is one of the sports that one can't do if they have the most severe type of epilepsy?
  9. Have you look up any of the answers?
  10. You should know this by now.. How can epilepsy affect a life?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about Epilepsy?