What do u know about Russia

There are many smart people but only a few true geniuses!lets see how genius you are prove it by answering all these questions correctly come on this test and prove your a genius

Are you genius ? So do you have that quality in this test you have to answer twelve questions and prove you genius ness and tell me your knowledge about Russia

Created by: Zain
  1. Who was the founder of the Russia?
  2. When was Russia found?
  3. What is Russia's population
  4. How big is Russia
  5. Is Russia in Europe ?
  6. How many square km is Russia
  7. How many times has Russia gone through a meteoir ?
  8. How many names does Russia have
  9. With how many countries does Russia share land borders?
  10. What is position of population of Russia
  11. What is your thoughts about this Quiz Be honest!!!
  12. What's your age ???

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