what Death Note Character Are you most like?

do you love death note and do you always think you are like a death note character then heres your tim eto find are you like the most common character them here it is?

many people think they are like other, well they are properly correct. people are always different but there are things that conect people to otheres!

Created by: radam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you fall in love fast
  2. Are you smart
  3. do you love lollies
  4. do you have lots of friends
  5. what would you do with a death note
  6. do you have any emotional problem
  7. what would you rather be?
  8. do people think you are wierd
  9. Are your grades the best/great?
  10. do you love people of the opposite sex

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Quiz topic: What Death Note Character am I most like?