what chocolate are you?

Chocolate is a common food we everyday, it is delicious and each are we try has different flavours, depending on which one we pick one could be sweet and one could be quite bitter, that relates to certain emotions and personalities of humans

So why dont you try the quiz and see who you are? It might not be accurate, but i'm just bored so im writing this off the top of my head :l Don't take the comments personally :-)

Created by: sophieee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If it was your friends' birthday what would you give her?
  2. If a bully was beating up your friend you would
  3. you and your friends get into some trouble with the police, their parents are with yours and you've just been shoplifting what to say?
  4. You're upset because you've been refused a saturday job and the teachers asking whats wrong, what would you say?
  5. Your favourite animal is a
  6. If you could choose between these options what appeals most to you?
  7. Do you think of others?
  8. Would you describe yourself as being bitter?
  9. Do you believe in eye for eye and tooth for tooth
  10. If someone killed someone what would you want happen to them

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Quiz topic: What chocolate am I?