what charactorwould you be in D and D

do you play d and d? do you plan to?are you a complete novice? it dosent matter if you want to find out what youll be, just ts=ake my test! youll probably be surprised.

are you a rouge? a bard? a cleric? a wizard or sorcerer? a paladain? or a barbarian? o perhaps youre neither, maybe your one of the others, but for now yu can find out which ones of these you are.

Created by: rachel
  1. what is your preffered form of payback? if a boy ticked you off?
  2. if you had to sneak past a bunch of tough guys, how would you do it?
  3. if you had a superpower, what would it be?
  4. if you had a problem, what would it be?
  5. how good are you at lie-ing?
  6. what is your idea of a bad situation?
  7. what is youre idea of an extreme sport?
  8. what is the worst thing hat could happen to you?
  9. what is your dream car
  10. are you smart?

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