what celebrity are you like?

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Welcome to the "What celebrity are you like" test. In this test you will be guided through a series of questions.There are 5 celebrities and at the end it will tell you who you are like.

I was motivated by a test maker. He did what is your attitude test and I thought it would be cool. I worked for a long time on this test and it is a good one. I hope you like it!

Created by: ethan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What if somebody called you a name what would you do?
  2. If somebody was crying what would you do?
  3. What is your favorite things to do on the weekends
  4. what would you say to a teacher if he/she didn't let you go to the bathroom?
  5. What if somebody made fun of your hair style what would you say?
  6. If all your friends stayed the night what would you do inside
  7. What kind of shoes would you buy
  8. what kind of personal items would you like?
  9. What is your attitude?
  10. did you like this test

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Quiz topic: What celebrity am I like?