What celeberty are you?

which rapper are u? take thiz quiz to find out which rapper are u? take thiz quiz to find out which rapper are u? take thiz quiz to find out which rapper are u? take thiz quiz to find out which rapper are u? take thiz quiz to find out

includes the game, 50 cent, kanye west, mike jones, tupac includes the game, 50 cent, kanye west, mike jones, tupac includes the game, 50 cent, kanye west, mike jones, tupac includes the game, 50 cent, kanye west, mike jones, tupac includes the game, 50 cent, kanye west, mike jones, tupac

Created by: Homar
  1. Who/What is most important?
  2. Which car is better?
  3. Who do you owe your success to?
  4. In which one of these places were you born or which were you born closest to?
  5. Which do you hate most?
  6. Pick your favorite of these songz:
  7. Which would you find more obsessive (in other words which would you become obsessed with easier)?:
  8. Which do you prefer?
  9. What letter does your name or nickname start with?
  10. Who do you like better?

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Quiz topic: What celeberty am I?