What Career Should You Have?

It Is for fun not saying what yo do. I hope you enjoy and have fun I like these and hope to be one of these one day I'm not afraid to get down and dirty.

ARE YOU BORED?? ARE YOU THINKING WHAT TO FO WHEN YOU GET OLDER?? here are some ideas but you don't need to take them unless you really want to! Have FUN!

Created by: Taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is most like you?
  2. What do you love most?
  3. Who do u attract to more?
  4. Why are you taking this?
  5. Do u know that this is for fun?
  6. Who do u love most?
  7. What animal is your Favorite?
  8. What is your favorite music?
  9. Who do look up to?
  10. You ready to get the result?!?!!?

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Quiz topic: What Career should I Have?