what caree will you get (18 and under, sorry)

there are lots of great jobs out there and not all of them are great. there are some that can be very stressful, like acting and science. of coures its all a matter of opinion

do you want a good job. do you have the power to keep a job. or do you wont a job that is just flipping burgers at McDonalds. it all depends. what do you want

Created by: hihi12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like working with children
  2. do you like animals
  3. do you love art
  4. do you love math
  5. do you like history
  6. if you hate eveything why are you taking this quiz
  7. do you like writing
  8. do you like working outside
  9. did you like this quiz, do you have a good attitude about it
  10. is there a difference between cats and dogs

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Quiz topic: What caree will I get (18 and under, sorry)